Kamilari is a unique, time-tested herbal formulation developed by Vaidya Vachaspathi Sri. N.K. Padmanabhan Vaidyar, a celebrated Ayurvedic Practitioner of Kerala. Kamilari has helped save many people suffering from liver diseases – mild, acute to chronic – caused by many reasons including lifestyle.
If you have a liver disease, consume alcohol, eat food from outside atleast thrice in a week, have a family history of liver diseases or getting sick frequently, read on…
Daily life overloads the liver leading to poor health & disease.
Non Alcoholic
Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD)
Simple Fatty Liver (Steatosis)
Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
If you’re a healthy person, you might not think twice about your liver and for good reason: The only time this organ seems to attract any attention is when it stops working. Unlike other organs the liver lacks nerve cells and thus it is called a ‘non-complaining organ’. This is why you can have serious liver damage without knowing it. In the cases of liver diseases, the symptoms can vary and sometimes there are no symptoms. Some of them are listed below.
Swelling of the abdomen and legs
Changes in the colour of stool and urine/
Yellowing of the skin and eyes & jaundice
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
How Kamilari
Rejuvenates Damaged Liver?
Kamilari is a poly herbal liver care solution that has been in use for the protection of liver and for the treatment of various kinds of liver diseases such as Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Jaundice and Fatty liver.
Promotes optimal liver function
Reliable aid to combat the ill-effects of alcohol consumption and toxic effects from food, drugs and environment pollution
Helps Liver’s ability to regenerate itself within a short period of time
Corrects the malfunctioning of liver and protects it from its adversaries
Fatty Liver Conditions
Drug-Induced Hepatitis
Liver Cirrhosis
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Improving immune system
General health maintenance
Loss of appetite
Use KAMILARI every day to ensure continues protection for your liver
Efficacy of Kamilari in Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Rajesh M.G, Beena Paul, Latha M.S (Journal: The Antiseptic Vol 97/No.9)
“Treatment of alcoholic cirrhotic patients with Kamilari normalized the activities of serum transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, decreased the concentration of cholesterol and bilirubin in serum, elevated the level of protein in serum. From the present study, it may be concluded that Kamilari has curing effects on alcohol-induced liver damage by reducing lipid peroxidation products (like acetaldehyde) or by altering the lipid composition of the plasma” Download PDF
Clinical Evaluation of Kamilari in the Management of Viral Hepatitis and Jaundice Annie Shirwaikar, Sreenivasan.K.K, Nagaraj.K (Journal: The Antiseptic Vo193/No.11)
“The study shows that patients treated with Kamilari exhibits a satisfactory response observed that the symptoms anorexia, abdominal discomfort, lethargy, nausea and jaundice disappeared within a week of treatment. The test showed significant reduction in the serum reduction in the serum bilirubin, ALT & AST values within 7 days of treatment itself compared to the untreated group, therefore indicate that Kamilari could be a valuable therapy for patients suffering from viral hepatitis” Download PDF
Evaluation of the Antihepatotoxic Activity of Kamilari M.G.Rajesh, M.S.Latha (Journal:Ethno-Pharmacology 91 (2004) 99-104 )
“Depletion of elevated bilirubin level together with the suppression of the activity of ALP in the serum treated with Kamilari, suggests the possibility of being able to stabilize biliary dysfunction of liver during chronic injury with CCI4” Download PDF